Q: As a service provider – ie: holiday, accommodation or any such service – is it our responsibility to offer such services to our clients?

A: With increased tourism numbers as new clients venture to the south pacific through the threat of Terrorism in other parts of the world, increased travel freedom and over exposure in other tourist destinations the type of clients are changing in ethnicity and health status: i.e. unfit/inexperienced state = risk of complex medical emergency. Expectations of medical and emergency assistance are based on international standards and in many cases ie: tropical resorts is exotic locations, those expectations are currently not being met (The clients want the tropics but expect world class services) These circumstances Increase the risk of liability/ insurance etc. Many insurers are also demanding that any service or product provider be they a resort, a transportation service, tourist operator or even a school be sufficiently skilled and prepared to take care of any injury to its clients from or on its services or products to the point of professional transfer – ie: ambulance etc.

Q:How many people are there on a course?

A: All courses are based on a ratio of one trainer to 12-16 participants subject to the course itself – and tailored courses are available.

Q: Where does the training take place?

A:Unlike many providers Pacific Medicare training is done on site – at your property or organisation. All Courses can be delivered on Site with flexible hours to help minimize wasted time for staff travelling. This gives you the opportunity to have staff attend parts of course whilst maintaining essential duties. Practical skill development is tailored to your environment so practical assessment becomes a reality. Quick access to beach, sea, known risk areas/equipment allows for better quality of skill development vs. sitting in a room off site. Specialized equipment can be used by the staff in the appropriate arena.

Q: Why shouldn’t I just rely on First aid?

A: First Aid is just that first aid. It does not provide the victim with adequate support for a long period of time, and in most serious cases will not promote recovery when necessary for survival

Q:Is there a difference between first aid and emergency care?

A: Yes. First aid relies on someone arriving soon to take over and deliver a higher level of emergency assistance to eliminate life threats and promote recovery as soon as possible Emergency care is that assistance. Emergency care is essential in resorts due to their location to comprehensive medical care and the lack of consistent ambulance service in relation to the ‘Golden Hour’ The Golden Hour is a defined time where without comprehensive medical support within an hour, seriously ill casualties will have little or no chance of recovery.Current traditional first aid training focuses on course work being theory based and practice on a mannequin to attain a skill level for an assessment.
Emergency care is fast becoming an essential requisite for hospitality and tourism industries where clients place themselves in the care of a company irrespective of their well being. Responding to distress and dealing with a potential emergency with the client, by recognizing the need for early intervention and providing well trained resource assisted care to prevent further injury and promoting recovery through to sustaining life are the goals of Emergency Care

Q: What standards do you use ?

A: All courses are based on current New Zealand and international standards including:
New Zealand Resuscitation Council accredited – pre-hospital emergency care instruction

  • Surf Life Saving New Zealand Award standards
  • NZ Mountain Safety Council standards for risk management
  • TPAF – Training and Productivity Association of Fiji accredited